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4th-5th Grade 

Wally Shetler-In-Place

To complete the 4th or 5th grade Wally Shelter-In-Place review, please visit our site using a laptop or desktop computer

Parents and Students:

Watch this video of Wally Wise Guy and his Buddy to learn and review how to


Wally image

Sheltering-in-Place is how we stay safe when there is a Chemical Release and other emergencies!

Test your skills to see if you can find all of the Shelter-In-Place keywords that are hidden in the puzzle

Wally Puzzle Form

complete after finishing the wordsearch

4th & 5th Grade Shelter-In-Place Word Search Puzzle Submission

Fun Links 4th/5th

Enjoy these fun activities to learn even more!

Safety Training & Environmental Protection, LLC

P.O. Box 1402 - 1205 Center Drive

 Murray, KY 42071
p. 270.753.6529 | f. 270.759.4196 |

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