Fall Protection
The Fall Protection standard landed itself on the OSHA Top 10 most cited list for 2018 two different times. One spot was for training requirements at number eight and one was general requirements at number one. Correct
The Fall Protection standard landed itself on the OSHA Top 10 most cited list for
2018 two different times. One spot was for training requirements at number eight
and one was general requirements at number one. Correct use of fall protection is
imperative in the safety of employees that work at heights. In order to prevent
companies from falling into being cited, STEP has developed comprehensive
training courses that are designed to fit the needs of your organization.
We offer 4-hour fall protection training sessions, as well as both 8-hour and 16-hour fall protection competent person training sessions. These courses include:
Hands-On Workshops
Harnesses and Belts
Ladder Safety
Overhead Protection
Other Fall Protection Systems

Upon completion of the above courses, participants will be able to understand the purpose of fall protection & rescue plans, be able to recognize when fall protection is required, recognize when overhead protection is needed, understand when fall protection systems are used, identify the different types of fall protection, and how to properly maintain all pieces of fall protection equipment.
We believe an informed workforce is a safe workforce. OSHA states that it is not enough for companies to develop fall protection plans—they must enforce them too. STEP is happy to assist in both the development of one such plan and its implementation. Let us help you beat the top 10!